Got an Opossum Problem?
You’ve seen them scurrying about at night, you’ve seen them roaming during the day, and now you suspect there might be a whole opossum family living somewhere on your property. You’re not sure where their den is, but you’re tired of cleaning up your knocked-over trash can and smelling foul odors. Your kids are terrified and your dog won’t stop barking. You have to trap them to get rid of them, but you don’t want to kill them. Besides, these things can carry disease—you need someone who knows what they’re doing!

What Are Your Options?
Problem is, you have no idea where to turn. Who traps opossums in a humane way? Who knows their behavior and how to track them back to their den? Who can help you keep opossums away from your home or business for good? What you need is a team of dedicated professionals with the right equipment and training to find these nuisances, trap them, and remove them. But is there such a business that offers this service, and are they even local?
Phoenix Pest Pros is Your Answer for Opossum Removal in Holiday
The answer is yes! Phoenix Pest Pros are your premiere local opossum removal service in Holiday. We’re highly trained to trap opossums alive and release them humanely back into their natural environment—far away from your home or business. We’ll track them back to their den, round up the whole lot of them, and get them out of your hair quickly and efficiently. In fact, we can even help you repair any structural damage that may have occurred to your home or business during your infestation. Let us help you get things back to normal.

Gone for Good
The opossums are finally gone for good. No longer is the dog barking incessantly, the kids are happy to play outside once again, and your trash can remains undisturbed. Looking around, you realize calling the pros was the best thing you ever did to relieve your worry and stress. It’s a brand new day!
Opossum Removal Holiday